The Seedskadee ditch shocking in the fall of 2013 was a great success! Over 40 voluntees from all over western Wyoming saved over 1,200 trout from death in the ditch over the winter.
Seedskadee Ditch Shocking -
Seedskadee Habitat Improvement the summer of 2013 Seedskadee Chapter of TU teamed up with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, the Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge and the Wyoming Conservation Corps to improve juvenile fish habitat and arrest erosion on an important side channel of the river on the refuge.
TU Western Region Meeting has been a good week in the Reno area. The West Regional Meeting is going well and a lot of new friends have been made! Good information being shared and discussed about our common goal of helping our fisheries.
Chapter Program one, come all to the next exciting Seedskadee TU Chapter Program (Nov. 7th, 7pm on the Rock Springs Campus of WWCC, room 1006)!!!