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If you're an avid fly fisher... a wannabe fish bum... and you haven't seen the suite of Costa films yet, here's your chance. Through July, Costa and its sponsor Budweiser are taking the renowned films "GeoFish" and "Jungle Fish," as well as it's series, "The Take," on the road to craft breweries [ READ MORE... ]
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My angling buddies have long ribbed my use of the 45 gallon Utility bucket for my wading gear transport from river to river. I do have to clarify, it all began with the use of the 'family' Jeep Commander and my wife the Boss not wanting it to look like an old roadside relic from someone's front [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY Brian.Koz ON October 12 - 0 COMMENTS
1,000 Miles Campaign
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I had the honor and privilege to sit in on a conference call yesterday with a boat load of industry pro's and shakers. Names like Sadler, Bennett, Sepelak, Perkins, Hosler, Smythe, Payne, Colyer, Hunt, and Maclin and a couple I have met- like Tucker and Schmidt- were all on hand for some pretty [ READ MORE... ]
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Here is an excerpt for someone who is looking at something. Here is an excerpt for someone who is looking at something Here is an excerpt for someone who is looking at something Here is an excerpt for someone who is looking at something
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1. If it looks good, fish it The road between Madison Junction and Old Faithful follows The Firehole for much of its run. Have your fishing buddy keep his or her eyes on the river, and don't be afraid to pull over and hop out when they spot fishy-looking water. Iron Bridge, Mule Shoe Bend, and Some [ READ MORE... ]
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With the Yellowstone winds quickly whipping our high-country snow out to Eastern Montana, I’ve been spending the blustery days at the vise. Every year I try to tie up a season’s worth of bugs over the course of a winter. Each year’s crop of flies is a bit different than the last. There are a few [ READ MORE... ]
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The hint of spring leaves yet to sprout on the oaks and hickories of Appalachia might be one of the most uplifting illusions to the eye. A close look at a single tree branch reveals almost no real evidence that winter is giving up the ghost. But taken in as a landscape, with thousands upon [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY brennan.sang ON June 7 - 0 COMMENTS
FB Dun
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  This extended body baetis takes a nod from traditional patterns while making use of new synthetic materials. Every had a hard time keeping your deer-hair extended body bugs afloat after a few fish, this foam pattern solves that problem without looking like kids toy. Hook: Varivas 2200 size [ READ MORE... ]
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I recently had an amazing day fishing for salmon on the Rogue River here in Oregon.  I'd never tried salmon fishing before, but had a friend who'd been doing it for a long time and invited me to come see him "work his magic."  Before the day was over he'd caught 4 fish, 2 of which were really [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY rebecca ON June 7 - 0 COMMENTS
Orange Bomber
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  Skating for silvers? Waking for steelies? This classic never looked better than this understated tie from Rodney Hobbs. Hook: Mustad 9672 #8Thread: Black Uni-thread 8/0Tail: White CalftailBody: Caribou, spun and then trimmed in fat cigar shapeHackle: OrangeWing: White CalftailHead: Black Pro Laq