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blog BY chris_hunt ON June 14 - 0 COMMENTS
Costa's "Films on Tap Tour" under way Posted in
If you're an avid fly fisher... a wannabe fish bum... and you haven't seen the suite of Costa films yet, here's your chance.
Through July, Costa and its sponsor Budweiser are taking the renowned films "GeoFish" and "Jungle Fish," as well as it's series, "The Take," on the road to craft breweries [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY Josh Duplechian ON March 22 - 0 COMMENTS
Rio Grande del Norte Posted in
As you head north out of Santa Fe on US-285 there is a prominent overpass spanning the highway. Stamped deep in its massive upper concrete support beam, in big, bold letters that cover the entire length of the four lane interchange, are the words, “Tierra Sagrada,” — “Sacred Land.”
The notion of [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY chris_hunt ON January 24 - 0 COMMENTS
Farmed salmon? No, thanks. Posted in
Fishing for salmon in the southeast Alaskan rainforest is an amazing experience.
I got a kick out of Greg Thomas' blog post today about his experience in a Denver seafood joint he visited during the International Sportsmen's Expo last week. Greg asked the server at the restaurant whether the [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY chris_hunt ON October 11 - 0 COMMENTS
Alone in the Dark Posted in
For a closet introvert who can fake the opposite on command, time alone is like being plugged into a battery charger.
If only I had a USB port at the back of my neck. Then I wouldn't need to disappear for hours at a time to replenish what the real world drains (on second thought, when that port is [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY ON September 27 - 0 COMMENTS
Two natives, two friends, two streams Posted in
by Tom Reed
New country and old friends. A foundation, a beginning. An idea. Each year wed each pick a stream on our borders, a thin blue line of water splashing from high mountain hold in country without roads, and few trails. If it were easy, we thought, anybody could do it and the fishing [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY ON September 26 - 0 COMMENTS
Philosophy of the sporting life: A meditation on why. Posted in
Editor's note: This is part of an ongoing series by members of TU's Sportsmen's Conservation Project. For more, visit www.oursportingheritage.org, a site dedicated to protecting our backcountry resources.
There was a summer I spent as a wild child in the mountains of Iowa.
There are no mountains [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY ON September 26 - 0 COMMENTS
Tis the Season of the Sportsman Posted in
The wind came up quite early this morning.
It rustled through the trees outside my window, gently thumping the blinds as it continued through the streets.
It was a subtle sign, but a sign nonetheless.
It’s fall.
We’ve been seeing small hints here lately – small twinges of gold in the [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY fish4budz ON September 8 - 1 COMMENTS
Moose on the Henrys Posted in
Headed home from the Madison I stopped by the Railroad Ranch section of the Henrys Fork and to my suprise this guy was hanging out right where i was casting to risers. though I gave up on the picky rainbows to photograph this guy.
larger photos of him in my gallery folder